




Japanese Tea Ceremony at Mt. Fuji, the 8th station with 50 participants/ Tokyo

"Mount Fuji Summit Tea Ceremony" event were being held on the 7th of September before the end of the climbing season of Mount Fuji which falls on 10th September 2022. This event was co-organized by the Shinto Fuso-kyo Fujiyama Tenpai Shrine and the Hashiguchi Architectural Institute, with support from the Mainichi Shimbun and environmental NPO Fujisan Club. (Tatsuo Nanai)
Tea Ceremony at Mount Fuji has been previously held at the inner shrine of Sengen Shrine on the summit, but this was the first time a tea ceremony was held in a "movable" tea house style. The tea house was 1.8 meters in length, width, and height, and was made of stainless-steel frames woven with twisted threads using the traditional local county textile technique of Fujiyoshida City in Yamanashi prefecture. Mr. Soyu Mori, 45, a member of the Urasenke school of tea ceremony, performed a graceful tea ceremony, using an electric heater to boil melted snow water seeping through the rocks and pouring it into a tea bowl made of traditional Nara Akahada-yaki pottery.
Despite the occasional rain, about 50 participants which mostly consisted of climbers participated in this rare event. A restaurant owner, 47, from Tokyo said, "I thought it was a unique opportunity and rushed to the event. I was surprised to see an authentic tea ceremony in a space more beautiful than I had imagined. A male university student from France, 22, replied with a smile, "The tea ceremony looked difficult, but it was my first experience and very interesting.
Shinichiro Hashiguchi, 49, the architect who designed the tearoom and planned the tea ceremony, said, "We decided to make this tea ceremony to express our gratitude for the blessings of Mount Fuji and I learned a lot from the people involved in the county's textile industry. We would like to continue this event in the future.



在2022年9月10日富士山登山季节结束之前,9月7日举行了 "富士山高峰茶道 "活动。该活动由神道扶桑教冨士山天拝宮和橋口建築研究所共同举办,并得到了每日新闻和环保非政府组织(NPO)富士山俱乐部的支持。【七井辰男】
富士山的茶道以前一直在山顶的浅間神社内举行,但这是第一次以 "可移动 "的茶屋方式举行茶道。茶屋的长、宽、高均为1.8米,由不锈钢框架制成,采用山梨县富士吉田市当地传统的县级纺织技术,用捻线织成。45岁的森宗勇先生是裏千家茶道流派的成员,他表演了优雅的茶道,用电加热器煮沸渗过岩石的融化雪水,并将其倒入用传统的奈良赤膚焼陶器制成的茶碗。


最終更新日  2022年9月 7日